March 15, 2011

Aesop's Fables - The Herdsman and the Lost Bull

The Herdsman and the Lost Bull

A HERDSMAN tending his flock in a forest
lost a Bull-calf from the fold. After a long and
fruitless search, he made a vow that, if he
could only discover the thief who had stolen
the Calf, he would offer a lamb in sacrifice to
Hermes, Pan, and the Guardian Deities of
the forest. Not long afterwards, as he ascended
a small hillock, he saw at its foot a Lion
feeding on the Calf. Terrified at the sight, he
lifted his eyes and his hands to heaven, and
said: "Just now I vowed to offer a lamb to the
Guardian Deities of the forest if I could only
find out who had robbed me; but now that I
have discovered the thief, I would willingly
add a full-grown Bull to the Calf I have lost,
if I may only secure my own escape from him
in safety."

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